As a CIC we are devoted to supporting people with communication difficulties through learning Makaton in our local community and routinely offer subsidies to our local families, businesses and organisations as they start on or progress through their Makaton journey.
TALKmoreCORNWALL CIC is now registered with EasyFundraising. You can raise FREE donations for TALKmoreCORNWALL CIC every time you shop online or on your tablet or phone. Just use #easyfundraising!
Over 7,000 brands will donate, including all the big names like John Lewis & Partners, BT, Expedia, Argos, ASOS, Just Eat, Uswitch and many more! Please support us – at no extra cost to yourself!
These donations really mount up and make a BIG difference to us, so we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign up and support us. It’s completely FREE and only takes a moment.
You can find our easyfundraising page at
Thank you so much!
One-off donations
If you’ve donated before or are considering donating to us for the first time, here’s how just some of the money you generously contribute, helps the young (and older) people we work with.
- £5 provides 1 hour choir session for 1 person
- £15 provides 3 hours choir session for 1 person
- £25 provides Makaton for Dementia training for 1 person
- £50 provides Makaton for Dementia training for 2 people
- £50 will give one person access to 1 Makaton training course to suit their needs (for example, Level 1, Level 2 etc)
- £100 will give two people access to 1 Makaton training course to suit their needs
Click the image below to go to our SumUp page.
Corporate donations
We’re proud to be a part of the Redruth/Camborne community and welcome corporate partnerships and donors to support funding projects, initiatives and exciting resources for our local community, as well as the larger Cornish community.
We are currently seeking support for the following:
- Watch My Needs (for those with dementia, Alzheimer’s, aphasia and their carers)
- Frontline: Emergency Services (for blue light workers)
- Frontline: General Wellbeing (for social workers, A&E or MIU staff, schools, colleges, care homes, day services and community organisations)
Whether it’s a one-off donation, a longer strategic partnership – or something in between – we’d love to speak to you!
Why not use your old ink cartridges to help us fundraise with

Recycle Your Ink Cartridges and Help Support TALKmoreCORNWALL CIC
Did you know that you can help us raise funds simply by recycling your ink cartridges via our Recycle4Charity programme?
For each ink cartridge recycled via the programme we will receive up to £2 donation.
To send your cartridges or start collecting for us click here
We need you!
We are looking for people to help us fundraise. We need people who can help us by:
- Sponsoring a workshop space / make a one-off donation / regular giving
- Volunteer fundraisers who can run their own event or activity
- knitting / crocheting / sewing items for us to sell
- raffle prize donations (big or small everything helps)
- Voluneer helpers at events
- Volunteer Social Media champions
The funds we raise help us to provide free or subsidised Makaton workshops for people living with communication difficulties across Cornwall.
If you think you could help us to raise money for our CIC (Community Interest Company) then please get in touch using the form on our Connect page